Ready to live a garden-centered life?
Start a beautiful, productive, organic & healthy garden
When You Grow The Gardenary Way, Enjoyment Goes Up.
You want to garden, but the whole thing seems complicated and overwhelming. Just buying some plants and digging a hole doesn’t work. You need to grow the Gardenary way.
Are you confused on the next step in the garden? Are you wondering how to improve your results? Are you ready to help others? Find your level below.
Get expert training through Kitchen Garden Academy, Gardenary Method Guides, and Gardenary Consultant Certification.
Whether you’ve never gardened before, have a few seasons under your belt, or you’re a pro gardener, Gardenary helps you make the most of each season.
How Can Gardenary Help You Grow More?
Are you just starting your garden and want to do it the right way?
The Spring Garden Startup Workshop will teach you 3 steps to plan, create, and harvest from your own garden in 2025.

Are you struggling with your current garden because of pests and problems?
The Gardenary Way shows you how to work with nature and transform your garden so it’s beautiful, productive and stress free. As a Gardenary gardener, you’ll enjoy 52 harvests a year with half the effort most gardeners have to invest.

Are you looking to use your garden experience to start your own garden business?
The Gardenary Consultant Certification program certifies you to teach the Gardenary methods and create a consulting and coaching business you’ve been dreaming about. As a Gardenary consultant, you’re part of a community of 1500+ business owners who are making a living from their garden expertise.

The Gardenary Way is Followed by 2 Million Community Members, 5000 Students, and 1500 Consultants
Free Course
Join The Kitchen Garden Styles Course For FREE
Normally priced at $47. Get this course for FREE for a limited time. Get inspiring ideas on how to choose the best kitchen garden layout for you.